Collaboration / Shared editing

You can invite others to review, present or edit your presentations. To invite your first collaborator, click the Collaborate symbol in the top right corner of the editor. If the person you invite does not already have a Slides account, they will be prompted to sign up for one for free.

Collaborators can have one of the following roles:
- Viewer: can comment
- Presenter: can comment and present
- Editor: can comment, present and edit the presentation
- Admin: can add or remove collaborators (only available on the Team plan)

If you'd like to change the role of someone you have already aded simply click on their avatar. Here you'll also find the option of removing them from the presentation, which will entirely revoke their access.

Once you have added a collaborator you can click the collaboration symbol to reveal the comments panel. All comments are made on the currently active slide, and you can see which slide a comment is associated with in the comment thread. 

Comment notifications
We show a notification in the top right corner when new comments are made, click on it to jump directly to the related slide. If there's activity while a collaborator is offline, we send them a summary of what they missed via email.

Editing comments
You can edit or delete a comment by hovering over it and pressing the cogwheel symbol.

Collaborator presence
A complete list of everyone that has been added to a deck is available in the sidebar, including online/offline status. People who are viewing the same slide as you are grouped together within a green outline.

If you aren't currently editing, or you don't have permission to edit, you'll see a page optimized for leaving feedback and discussion. This page works well from mobile devices too, so that you can leave feedback on the go.

In the top left corner you can see if anyone is currently editing, and which slide they are on.

Feedback and Knowledge Base