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    Agreed – we’ve made this change. Note that you can also reach the present view via the preview which is available as a green button in the top left.

  2. The support of gifv, webm or video background

    The ability instead of just having images for backgrounds, allowing the user to use various formats for full screen video

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  3. Allow reset of timer on speaker view

    Being able to reset the timer on the speaker's view would be nice. It would allow one to get prepared but then still have a valid timer.

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  4. Ability to make a fragment disappear

    The ability to make a fragment disappear.

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  5. Drag and drop to rearrange slides

    The arrange mode gives an overview of the slides but the system for moving them was non-obvious to me and very cumbersome: moving a slide across the deck is requires as many clicks as there are slides!

    I would rather drag-and-drop the slides, perhaps you could have a drag icon/handle.

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    We just rolled out the new arrange mode! The new version is entirely drag-and-drop based. Plus, we’ve made it possible to select and drag or delete multiple slides at once so that you can work faster.

    Please let us know if you run into any issues and we’ll address them as soon as possible. Thanks!

  6. Button to quick set opacity to 25%, 50% or 75%

    The Slides for Opacity is terrible UX. I have slides with lots shaped, which I want to enable and disable often, and it kills me, that I have to hit the 50% exactly every time ..

    Alternatively please implement a text-input for this. Sometimes I edit the opacity directly in developer-mode, but it is not really better :/

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    This has been changed. Opacity was the only field that was still using our slider input so made sense to converge on the numeric stepper that we use for everything else.

  7. select highlight.js theme for code highlighting

    It would be nice to support changing higlight.js theme.
    The default (zenburn?) code highlight theme is unreadable when presenting on projector.
    At least some black on white would be very useful.

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  8. Unlimited Speaker Notes

    I'd like to have more than 300 characters for speaker notes and allow the speaker notes section to be scrollable within the presenter view.
    I usually number my notes so I know when to reference a new fragment in my slide.

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    We’ve removed the 300-character limit on speaker notes!

    Notes that are 300+ characters long may not be immediately visible but they can be accessed by scrolling.

  9. responsive export presentations

    embebed export presentation to be responsive

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    The presentation inside of the embedded iframe is already responsive. However you the embedding site will need to use CSS to resize the iframe element based on viewport size and layout.

    In some cases it might be enough to change the “width” attribute in the embed code to 100%.

  10. Include speaker notes in PDF export

    Possibility to export speaker notes (within the pdf export of the slides)

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  11. Support 16:9 slide aspect ratio

    At conferences, most stages now have a 16:9 aspect ratio. It would be really great if slides will support authoring decks in that format (+ export).

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  12. 11 votes

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    We allow you to set background images from URL now. Look for the small link icon in the header of the window that appears when you’re prompted to select a background image.

  13. Make all fragment styles reveal.js offers available in

    I've got text that I want to show it changes over time by layering each version of the text on top of each other and use fragment to transition between them. It would be nice to select from all the available fragment styles reveal.js has ( but I'm most in need of the current-visible style.

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  14. add support for Wistia embedded videos (specifically AutoPlay feature)

    You offer AutoPlay for YouTube and Vimeo only, while Wistia, being a well known runner up, doesn't offer one.

    Sure, you could use parameter ?autoPlay=true, but does not play nicely with that and starts playing all iframes as soon as presentation loads, instead of when entering slide.

    That bug is solved by using the provided AutoPlay feature, which is currently not offered for Wistia.

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  15. Ability to rotate elements

    It'd be great if there was an option to not only resize, but also rotate elements (eg images, text boxes etc.)

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  16. Allow the user to select multiple items

    It would be useful to be able to command-click to select more than one object at a time. I have been trying to make some cool shapes, but sadly I have to remake them every time I create a new slide piece by piece!

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  17. Ability to add directed lines and arrows

    I would love the ability to add simple lines with arrowheads to point from one element to another on my slides.

    I am requesting this here because there really is no simple workaround. Users are forced to paste an image of a line with a 38° tilt and an arrowhead.

    Of course, no line tool would be complete without dashed and dotted styles. Thank you for considering this suggestion.

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  18. full navigation control for remote control

    While using phone as remote control would be nice to have the horizontal AND vertical controls...sometimes I use vertical slides as optional stuff I might want to skip...with remote it just plays them all.

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    Thanks for the feedback.

    It’s actually already possible to navigate both horizontally and vertically using the remote control view. Try swiping in the direction that you want to navigate. Tapping on the other hand steps through all slides in the presentation, both vertical and horizontal.

  19. Add YAML to the list of languages for syntax highlighting (code editor)

    YAML's pretty common these days, I was surprised it isn't there.

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    Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately this isn’t possible since YAML isn’t supported by the syntax highlighting library that we’re using (highlight.js).

    UPDATE: YAML is now supported by highlight.js and available in the Slides editor.

  20. Ability to change or remove block background colour

    In this presentation (only one slide) I have created an iframe containig an animated wowslider on a white background.

    It seems the iframe has a background colour (#f0f0f0).

    How can I remove this background or set its colour to #ffffff ?

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