234 results found
Ability to set line-height
Provide an interface option for configuring the line-height of text.
31 votesThis has been added! The option is available right next to the letter spacing option, in the left sidebar.
Better quality for PDF export
Could we choose the PDF export quality (in pro version) ?
For now, the assets (images) are really poor quality :/8 votesPDF export quality has been greatly improved and all font families and styles will now come through in the output.
We replaced our whole PDF generation pipeline with new software. This change means that quality is higher and presentations will look identical to how they do in a modern browser (Safari 8 to be specific).
This also applies to deck thumbnails.
Accept speaker notes from imported html file
given the <aside class="notes"> block used by reveal.js, it should be straightforward to accept speaker notes from imported html file, at least for the first 300 characters of the notes in each slide.
Very surprised that accepting also the speaker notes from an imported file is not supported!
3 votesThis has been added. Going forward, imports will convert notes to Slides’ notes storage format.
Export HTML Including Assets for Offline
HTML export into ZIP file with all assets such as images, JS, CSS, fonts, etc. The current HTML export only gives you the HTML where the assets are still online. I would still need the internet to run it.
8 votesZIP download is now available in the editor Export panel! The downloaded archive includes all of the JS, CSS and images required for full offline access. This also provides a neat package for those who want to host their own content.
This feature is only available for Pro and Team users.
Remove the character limit on speakers notes.
Or at least raise the limit. 200 characters is debilitatingly small. It significantly reduces the usefulness of the tool!
5 votesThis limit has been raised to 300 characters. More info in the comments.
Share without ability to fork
I would like to have the ability to share my decks without the ability for other users to fork it. Is this possible?One option would be to set the deck private but is there an alternative so that other people can still see my decks?
Br, Lauri Hellsten
1 voteSee commnets.
Add custom css selectors to elements
I would love the ability to be able to name elements with that name being applied to the presentation element (including the slide background) as a css class selector.
The purpose for this being to apply individual transitions & animations with CSS to specific elements only, for instance I may which to cycle the slide background color through a range of colors.
To save on system resources this would only apply to the present slide e.g.
.present.customSelector {
/* Apply custom css */
9 votesThis is now supported! Turn on the developer mode and you’ll have access to easy inputs for specifying CSS classes.
Classes can be added to individual elements within a slide or to the slide itself. Classes added to a slide also bubble up to its background element.
More info here:
Scala highlighting in code editor
Add syntax highlighting for Scala code
0 votesScala is already supported. I’ve linked to an example below:
Allow image source to be a URL instead of upload
Ability to have images use url for the image source, rather than requiring an upload.
4 votesThis has been added. See comments for details.
I would like to keep hyperlinks live within slides. Can this be dome?
4 votesThis is already possible, more info:
Share deck with speaker notes visible
share slideshow with speaker notes visible
25 votesWe’ve added an option for sharing your notes! Turn it on and anyone who views the deck is able to see your notes.
Full offline interactive export
Complete html or other export, which will allow me offline browsing of presentation, including all the pictures and fonts, does not have to be editable.
Maybe take an inspiration from Prezi Pro single file export.Thanks
1 vote -
Speaker view on mobile [question]
Can I use speaker view on an iDevice have to work over a similar internet connection?
e.g. i have my work computer connected to "work wireless", but i can't log onto that using my phone, so i connect my phone to "Personal wireless" and use speaker mode on my personal wireless, to control a presentation on a work wireless. Would this still work to control the slides?
If not could i suggest a bluetooth connectability function, perhaps presented in a "Remote Control" application.
1 voteShort answer: yes, see comments.
Undelete/Recycle Bin Feature
A Recycle Bin for delete decks that makes them recoverable for 2 weeks or something in case it is accidentally deleted.
21 votesWe’ve made it possible to recover recently deleted decks! From now on, any deck you delete will be available for recovery through a tab at the top of the profile page.
Decks that are in the trash bin will be permanently deleted after 60 days.
Password protected slideshows
For more confidentiality it would be useful to have password protected slides.
4 votesDone! You can now password protect any private presentation. More info in the help article:
alignment improvements
alignment grid in background, and arrow keys to nudge elements on axis
0 votesThis has been added in the new editor which is now live (public beta).
Bug - Hybrid touchscreen with mouse support - Need to disable Touch
I finally figured out why I couldn't navigate between slides in edit mode... Because I found the same problem in "Present" mode.
Your implementation for Touch is either/or, never <and>.
When a touchscreen is detected, Touch is enabled and <disables> mouse clicks.
Although existing media detection can remain the same (I suspect is part of one of the Frameworks you are using so may be difficult to customize anyway), there should be a way to disable Touch specifically (ie with a checkbox that sets the touch attribute to false).For now, anyone who follows in my footsteps where you…
1 voteWe used to listen to both click and touch events but a bug fix for Android we rolled out a few days ago broke that. We’ve gone ahead and updated the implementation so that we still listen for both touch and click events for all systems except Android.
Add categories to slides or a way to tag them
This will make searching much more versatile.
Example categories can be taken from Haiku Deck's pinterest board:
If you decide to implement this, you should extend it so that slides can be in multiple categories/have multiple tags.
A good search/filter makes slides easier to access, especially through Google. I find myself searching for information and I see different slide presentation sites pop up in the results. Not only does it help me understand the topic, it adds hits to your sites and encourages sign-ups (if they see a sweet presentation and want to create something like that)
27 votesWe’ve made it possible to tag decks! Learn all about it in the docs:
Allow decks on the profile page to be manually sorted.
Allow decks on the profile page to be manually sorted.
I will be making a lot of these for class, and the order seems to be random. It would be good to be able to put them in class order.
8 votesIt’s now possible to sort and search through decks on the profile page! This option is available at the top of the page for any account that has two or more decks.
make it so you can choose the order in which fragments appear
it's a bit frustrating making all these fragments on a slide, only to find they come up in the wrong order. can you think about it?
4 votesThis has been added in the new editor which is now live (public beta).
- Don't see your idea?