Editor Overview

1. Top level options

The left-most sidebar contains top level option for your deck such as privacy, title, description, theming, import/export and slide arrangement. The preview button can be used to temporarily hide the editor interface without actually leaving the editor.

The Slides editor automatically saves your work every few seconds. The save status is indicated by the save button in the top of the sidebar. If this button shows a checkmark that means that all of your latest changes have been saved. And don't worry, we'll let you know if you try to leave the editor with any unsaved changes.

2. Contextual options
This area of the editor is used to add or edit existing content. By default, when no content is focused, it shows options for what types of content you can add. Simply click on a content type to append a new block to the current slide.

When one or more content blocks are focused contextual options will appear that allow you to configure the selected content.

3. Blocks
This is a block of content, a text-block to be precise. Click on it once to focus and configure. Double-click to edit the text.

You can drag a block to move it around or simply use your keyboard arrow keys. Pressing the backspace key will delete the block.

4. Slide options
The options to the right apply to the current slide. This includes slide removal, speaker notes as well as background image/color.

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