Allow Markdown on speaker notes
Speaker notes are great. However I often only glance at them and I'd like to make out the important parts of my notes through simple formatting options like bold and italic settings.
Therefore I suggest to allow Markdown in speaker notes.
Jenni commented
I second this! It would make the speaker notes so much more useful! :)
Royi commented
It will be great to have an option for Text Box which supports MarkDown syntax.
Mike Nason commented
I was just working on my very first deck and wished I had some really simple formatting options for my speaker notes. I thought, "man, I wish this had markdown support". I don't even need a wysiwyg situation. Just that it'll render markdown on the deck when speaker notes are visible.
loune20 commented
This would really great ! With longer notes, being able to make bullet list, bold words, etc.. would be so useful !
Nick Merritt commented
Please add this!
Jonathan commented
This would be very beneficial. The ability to bold certain words to avoid missing them would greatly increase the value of speaker notes for me.