Add markdown option to WYSIWYG
reveal already supports markdown. It would be great to easily add a tag.

Konstantin commented
Still very looking forward to see this feature implemented
Anonymous commented
Extremely disappointed that markdown is built into the library but not the UI. Your UI should be using the library as an API, support everything it can AND MORE.
GitHub, Reddit, StackOverflow, Codepen all have MarkDown support.
If I can't use a GUI with markdown support, then I have do it manually, and if I'm going to do that I might as well just build my own solution that will be tailored to me as it will take the same amount of time as it would to learn your library and it will be done the way I like. I'd prefer a GOOD user experience in a UI, but a lack of markdown support means I have to be slowed down while trying to output my thoughts. This is pretty inexcusable with in browser libraries like marked and built in markdown support in your own library.
Laurent Souchet commented
I've realized a markdown presentation writed with reveal in Markdown. It's fun do this.
But impossible to see it with, you accept only html format.
Could you evolved your version of reveal ?
Thanks by advance. -
Daniel Farrell commented
I would pay for this if it was a pro feature.
Jonathan Beri commented
Markdown reference: