Inserting per-slide audio

- commented
Hello all, Did someone has solved this to add voice over slide in a kiosk mode presentation ?
Liam commented
This would be helpful to me primarily because I am intending to create presentations that run automatically, with a professionally recorded voiceover that speaks over the presentation.
According to the title of this suggestion, my audio-file would need to be broken up and exported as a series of .mp3's and then the auto transition time-on-slide defined to match each relevant audio file.
The other option would be to have a background audio file that runs over the whole presentation, that I could use to determine the slide transition timing from. It would be very nice if I could play the presentation through once, while listening to the audio and flipping slides, and have the system capture my transitions automatically, so I would not have to manually input every time delay. Thanks for listening to us! I hope this helps!
Anonymous commented
can you insert MP3s to play in the presentation? I have different MP3s for each slide.
Anonymous commented
This is critical for my use of this tool.
Gerry commented
Adding tags is easy, finding a place to store, link and place audio files is a PAIN, much better if the src can be in one spot, ideally with the slide itself
could easily solve issue by adding mp3 to the file formats that can be uploaded to the library, users could then use html tags to link to the same file
Pablo Ambram commented
It's as easy as letting the user insert custom tags, like
<audio data-autoplay src="myaudio.mp3"></audio>