curly brace / bracket
A very useful editing tool when including a summary in a presentation is indeed to have the possibility to include curly braces / brackets.
Would it be possible to implement this ? i.e. in the line
menu ?
Many thanks

Alexander Vassbotn Røyne-Helgesen commented
You can circumvent this by using curly brackets svg and rotate to fit, like so: but as you see, the thickness of the brackets are distorted, making it seem unprofessional.
I would like the option to maintain the thickness, but only to extend the brackets :)
Sibyl Houser commented
Thanks, I'll have a look.
Sibyl Houser commented
Thanks, I'll have a look. -
Anonymous commented
The curly bracket is common in many languages. Used for showing where a function, If statement or loop starts and ends and making it easy to see what code is included in that function, if, or loop.
Some people like them on the same line as their code, others (like me) like their brackets on separate lines. E.G:
void foo(){
cout<<"Hello World";
return; }void foo()
cout<<"Hello World";
Which do you prefer to use and why?If you put your curly brackets on their own line maybe you indent them? To indent, or not to indent. Do you indent your curly brackets? if so by how many spaces and why?