Fixed header and footer
Set up optional constant header and footer

ClementG commented
It would be great also to let headers indicate the position of the slide within the table of contents, just as LaTeX Beamer slides used to do. Title of the section, subtitle of the section, remaining slides within that section...
Jörn Weber commented
Would be great to see this feature!
famrua commented
Why is this not implemented?
Alexander Menk iMi commented
I tried mbocek's code in the theme editor --- in the preview of the theme editor it works, but then it does not work on the presentation.
Anonymous commented
One workaround for free users is to create a slide with your desired footer at the end, save it as a template and create other slides based on this template.
mbocek commented
To add a footer on all slides, put this into the CSS Editor:
.slides > section:before {
font-size: 0.6em;
position: absolute;
bottom: .25em;
left: 0.25em;
color: black;
content: "CONFIDENTIAL | Company associates only" ;
}// Disable the footer on the first and last slide
.slides > section:last-child:before,
.slides > section:first-child:before{display:none;} -
Andy Czerwonka commented
I'm actually cancelling my pro subscription and going back to Impress or PP because of this. This is table stakes.
Adam Thomas commented
I always have "breadcrumbs" at the top of my slide with highlighting to tell the audience where they are in the talk (e.g. Introduction, Methods, Results). Doing this with some kind of automatic header/footer would be great. If they linked to the corresponding sections -- even better.
Adrian Puescu commented
Quick "hack":
1. In your 'Theme Editor', create a new snippet with your html code for, let's say, a fixed header:
<div class="fixed-header"></div>
You can also write it as custom html in the 'HTML' tab, but it will not zoom along with the rest of the presentation if you're going to use the responsive version.2. In your 'Deck Editor', add the snippet onto any slide (reload the deck page if it was already open before editing the theme).
3. In the same 'Deck Editor', click on the 'Style' button in the left menu - the one with the brush icon.
4. Now click on the 'Custom CSS' and enter the following:
.fixed-header:after {
content: 'Your master header text';
}That's it! Now the snippet will have the same content on any slide and if you want to clone the deck and change the text, you will only have to do it once, in that 'Custom CSS' editor.
Using the same "hack" you can add a logo or create a footer as well.
Adrian Puescu commented
Absolutely required!
Ben Stoner commented
Yes, please! This is a must-have to compete with Powerpoint/Keynote