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  1. Integration with

    It would be great to embed highlighted code from

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  2. text to speech option/ integration for slides

    It would fantastic to have a text to speech integration to include the ability to have someone narrate your slides.

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  3. ppt import with white text would cause invisible content

    PPT import doesn't support text so well, especially the white color would be invisible after import: example

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  4. Fix this page so it can be read on IOS 11 - Totally broken for Safari and Firefox there, perfectly impossible to read

    Fix this page so it can be read on IOS 11 - Totally broken for Safari and Firefox there, perfectly impossible to read

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. Trial mode without need for account

    Demo mode without need for an account.
    Having to read lengthy terms of service and go through a generally painful sign-up process before you even know it's usable is a bit much to ask.

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  7. There should be facility to give explicit size to image and explicit image positioning.

    I wish a feature in which if I am adding some object, I can explicitly define the size of the object and also I can specify the position at which the object is placed.

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  8. Added feature to hide speaker's account

    I want to present a slide at the operator's PC without logging into my account. But if I do that, my name will be shown at the bottom-left corner of my screen.

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  9. Add link to katex's formula

    for the moment we do not have this option, and if we want to link some link we must create a transparent rectangle. It is not the best thing to add functionality. Thank you!

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  10. Show and allow editing of sizes of objects in editor view

    I have two or more objects that I want to make the same size. Currently, I have to align them on top of each other and use the guides to size them.

    Also, I want to know what size an object is so I can create another asset of a similar size (e.g. I’m making an SVG using outlines and I want to get the line widths just right).

    If the editor exposed the x, y, width, and height and allowed the setting of these, we could position and size elements precisely.

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  11. Allow custom CSS to override presenter display layout

    This would enable us to customise the layout of the presentation display. E.g., I want to make the background dark, tweak sizes, what’s visible, their location, etc., outside of the predefined layouts.

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  12. Full sentence in one language that you choose.

    Allow All languages to write fully the whole time . (Full sentences to be written in one language at a time

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  13. Integrate with Blockstack

    Allow to login with user-owned blockstack id and other decentralized identifiers and allow to store slides on user-owned storage (gaia hub).

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  14. Track which slide number my student is currently in

    I want to know at which slide number is my student currently in, in realtime. preferrably if they can assign themselves a temporary "username". This is useful to track how fast or slow my student is in following the class. The nature of the presentation requires the student to follow step by step that i have presented in the tutorial. one slide equals one step.

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. Checkerboard background in media library

    Make the background for images in the media library checkerboard instead of white. I use a lot of white SVG icons in my presentation which are invisible in the media library, due to the white background the media library has. Please change this background to a checkerboard pattern (like in Photoshop for example) so I can see my white images.

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  17. Quiero saber si hay algún modo para poder editar el tamaño de imágenes insertadas en un slide

    Quiero saber si hay algún modo para poder editar el tamaño de imágenes insertadas en un slide, seleccionarlas todas y que cambie su tamaño con un solo click

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  18. The program is not working at all. I cannot get started with slide presentation?

    I cannot even get slide program going. I put in my title and subtitle, but it does not show up the slide?

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  19. ¿ cómo cambio el idioma?

    ¿ cómo cambio el idioma?

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  20. In the main page, go quickly through the content of your desk to see the slides

    Sometimes it's hard to remind which slides you have in the desk. So you need to open it and leave the main board with all the desks.
    An interesting feature could be like when you add existing slides from other desks to your current working desk, you can quickly go through the different slides to see the content of the desk.
    In the main board, that could be great to go through the slides to check if it's the one you are interested in to work with, without having to open it again in the whole tab...


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