One-Click Sync Back to Presenter Location
Sync to Live Presenter Slide Location
At DevLeague, we use Slides almost daily. As a student, I usually get a the live# via Slack and open that up. But I often find myself either falling behind and wanting to flip to the previous slide to finish reading that one line, or flipping ahead to get a better sense of how much is left (and time my bio breaks accordingly haha). In live mode, you can't do either of these things, so I end up deleting "live#" in the url to access the slides to browse on my own. I'm then faced with the challenge of staying on the same slide as the presenter (especially hard when consecutive slides look similar). Ideally, I would be able to flip through the content on my own (diverging from live view), but have a one-click option to sync back to the location of the presenter. And an indicator of progress would helpful in live view. Thank you! :)