Custom HTML and custom Fonts
I'd love the ability to add custom code, like for embedding an iFrame.
Also, be able to use custom fonts, usually via services like Typekit, Google Fonts etc.

The HTML edit has since been added and it’s now possible to define custom fonts using the CSS editor (Pro-only).
Rob Chaves commented
It's relevant for me
Adam Weis commented
Any updates on this? Typekit support would be a nice addition to the product.
Gerald commented
How can I use MyriadPro?
Armağan Amcalar commented
TypeKit support is very, very important for me. Hopefully you will find time soon.
Ian VanSchooten commented
This would be great, I was also trying to find a way to use TypeKit fonts.
Out of curiosity, you said custom fonts could be defined using a CSS editor. Since it's not possible to use @import, <link> or <script>, how is that possible? Is there another way I'm not familiar with? I didn't see a way to upload font files...
AdminOwen (Owner, Slides) commented
It's not currently possible to include fonts from TypeKit. As Ash pointed out, their font embed relies on scripts and our editor disallows custom scripts for security reasons.
We are planning to address this by adding a place in the editor UI where you can specify a TypeKit kit ID. Work has started on this – two weeks ago we switched to using JS (Web Font Loader) to load all deck fonts. No set date for when the UI will be added but hopefully we'll find time soon.
Ash Guy commented
Hi there Slides guys-- I see this is marked completed, but as far as I can tell there is still no way to embed TypeKit fonts?
At this stage TypeKit only supports Javascript based embedding which means you'll need to implement it as a custom header include for all slides (perhaps as a setting where you pass it the kit id).
This is currently the only thing preventing me using my account (Which I'm paying for but not using) as the company I'm trying to build decks for has a style guide with fonts only available at
Such a common requirement should be a no-brainer to implement and super easy!
Otherwise love the product.
Dinesh Lalvani commented
Is it possible to incorporate Typekit into slides with their js code or even just entering the typekit ID?
AdminOwen (Owner, Slides) commented
Chris, you'll need to include this file via the CSS editor rather than trying to insert a <link> tag into the markup. For example, the below CSS snippet imports a font stylesheet from Google:
@import url(//;
.slides h1, .slides h2, .slides h3 {
font-family: 'Architects Daughter';
} -
chris commented
Can you answer Sven's comment? I'm also trying to add cloud.typography web fonts whic requires a <link> tag, which says gets removed each time I add it to the HTML editor on the Pro account.
Sven commented
How can I implement Typekit fonts. Everytime I put the embed Code from typekit into the html Editor and save the slide a notification shows that the "Script"-Tag were removed.
Is there an other way to emded Typekit-Fonts?
W Roddy commented
Custom HTML changes are often overridden when I publish :(
E.g. I added a CSS style to remove the box-shadow on <img> elements, save, looks great in the preview, but re-appears when published, some sort of code cleanup resetting styles?
Michael Stingl commented is already great – using #webfonts (Google Fonts) would be… awesome!!!
Great work – Many Thanks!
Hakim El Hattab commented
Martin: Good point. Will see if I can get that in, perhaps a toggle in the HTML edit popup.
Martín Gaitán commented
would be wonderful the ability to edit the whole HTML and not just each slide content at time. This allow a handy copy&paste of existing presentations
Francisc commented
We got HTML! Awesome.