save data in localstorage so that I can keep on editing presentation while offline.
Responsive slide layout (sort of portrait mode)
Responsive Design For Embedded Code
Master Slide Template (editable)
Implement magic move · completed
Sync with Google Drive
Embed Tweet
responsive export presentations · completed
offer a simple solution to play videos from the harddrive. · completed
Allow remote viewers to view previous slides
Integrate with third-party apps
Keyboard shortcut to maximize Iframes (instead of upscaling them) · declined
Is there any way to specify a ' data-background-repeat="repeat" ' section in the editor?
Application whatsapp gb apk new version.
work it within jquery mobile and have responsive screens · completed
Slideshow for multiple data in one slide
Templates, auto-fragment and modular designs
add a foreground attribute that links to a background selector · completed
Integrate with ERP software