Implement magic move
The ability to seamlessly animate objects from one slide to the next is one of the greatest features in Keynote.
I haven’t had a chance to look into reveal.js yet but I assume the data structure contains slide objects that contain the various elements on a slide. This could be implemented by giving ids to elements and, if the transition type is set to, for example “auto animate”, key properties of elements with the same id can be tweened (e.g., x position, y position, width, height, opacity, rotation).

We’re very excited to announce that Auto-Animate is available in public beta! Turn it on for two adjacent slides and we’ll automatically find and animate matching elements between them. More info and examples here:
Please let us know if you have any feedback, thanks!
jeni4 commented
thanks for this useful information. -
alilo nadhim commented
Pretty sure Steve Jobs used Keynote himself to create his presentations... you can't really dogfood a product better than that. see: https: , &
Fabiola commented
Something like that you need
- commented
I haven’t had a chance to look into reveal.js yet but I assume the data structure contains slide objects that contain the
CRISAYA commented
Yes please! Adding this would put Slides ahead of all the other presentation tools.
Tyler Yates commented
Yes please! Adding this would put Slides ahead of all the other presentation tools.
Aral Balkan commented
The ability to seamlessly animate objects from one slide to the next is one of the greatest features in Keynote.
I haven’t had a chance to look into reveal.js yet but I assume the data structure contains slide objects that contain the various elements on a slide. This could be implemented by giving ids to elements and, if the transition type is set to, for example “auto animate”, key properties of elements with the same id can be tweened (e.g., x position, y position, width, height, opacity, rotation).
tibuch commented
Given a shape/textbox/image/ one could define a start- and end-position and a transition.
Karl Ho commented
The zoom in and zoom out need be pre-programmed. Wonder if this can done via fragment.