Tony Su
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An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Tony Su commented
An update...
I found minified resource files in the reveal.js github repo.So, I suppose it should be possible to reference the files either in the official repo or host another location, but doing that bothers me... I'd like to think that files used in this way should be hosted by a proper CDN provider.
One advantage to using a proper CDN provider where everyone would use the same reference is that the files are locally cached when used the first time. So, for instance if someone viewed my reveal.js once referencing a CDN and then viewed a presentation created by someone else using exactly the same reference, the file would not be downloaded again because the required files would already exist in the local cache.
If everyone used a different URI to the same file hosted different places, the same file would be downloaded every time, the same result if everyone hosted the files locally the way the official documentation describes.
Tony Su shared this idea ·
277 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Tony Su commented
If you don't use any custom resources like images (ie your presentation is text-only)An easy alternative to what I posted which is based on also involving Github should be to simply start with a local instance of reveal.js, then import that into
Just don't start with
You can then export to your local reveal.js instance and run with no webserver needed.But, if you embed anything besides simple text, my guess is that you'll have to do what I describe in my previous post on Github integration.
An error occurred while saving the comment Tony Su commented
Re: Neuroscientific's request...
I think this can be done already by doing the following...
Follow the steps I outlined for "Github Integration" at results in a copy of your presentation in 3 places..., github and your local machine.
Your presetntation should then work at both and github without further modification.
If you don't have a network connection, running the presentation locally would have 2 requirements
- Deploy your presentation in a local webserver. Every OS has one at no additional cost, eg Windows has IIS. Or, if you're a bit technical, you can deploy a node.js web server which is fast, lightweight and consumes almost no resources.
- Modify your Hosts file to point the Domain normally found on the Internet to localhost.So, by default it's a bit technical for someone non-technical, but it can be done with few requirements.
309 votes
We haven’t decided if and in what form this should be added. However we did just release ZIP exports which makes it very easy to download all of the source files for a presentation (HTML/CSS/JS/images). Those files could then be added to an empty repository.
An error occurred while saving the comment Tony Su commented
Although I just started looking at today, from what I've seen I'm guessing that all the building blocks exist already, Either very little or no code is required to export/import manually, maybe only desirable code could be written to automate or guide some steps.
1. Start with a reveal.js (even default) as a template
2. Git push your template site to your Github repo's gh-pages branch.
3. Modify all local URI from local references to remote references.
4. Load all desired assets, eg images into the proper folders.
5. Import the revised template into
6. Modify however you wish. Note that references to any resources should reference the URI at Github, not the identical file at Example: Embedding a picture should not use the file upload, you need to instead upload the file to your Github repo, then reference that URI in your "Add Picture"
7. When complete, export
8. Copy the exported code into the repo on your local machine
9. Git push your changes to Github.So, here'a suggestion if someone decides to run with this...
It might be useful to support a Profile configuration to switch easily from native (existing) functionality using local or remote URI.Regarding the Styles that jens noted, I wonder if you can import css into That would more or less address the problem (Don't make your original css changes in, make them elsewhere and import).
Spitballin' a bit...
A possible alternative to exporting the presentation and then embedding in a website (especially if limited access to webserver files) is to simply embed the presentation already running at
Depending on the website technology of the website you want to embed the presentation, a container would need to be created with specified dimensions, then reference the presentations runnin on
Maybe a frame could be used if permitted on that site.
Still, for those who want to serve the presentation from the same webserver it would be nice to be able to reference an official CDN for resource files.