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  1. Set return slide and return to this slide

    Have the ability to set a slide as a 'return to' slide.
    So that for an interactive presentation you don't need to duplicate the same slide multiple times in order to jump to it and then jump back to where you came from.
    i.e. in reveal.js I would use:
    slidetoreturnto=Reveal.getIndices(); to set the location of the slide to return to and then
    Reveal.slide( slidetoreturnto.h,slidetoreturnto.v, slidetoreturnto.f ); to jump to the slide which i have remembered.

    This feature would work well when you have a zoom on a slide or an information page with a close box where you want to…

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  2. Count words in slides and notes pages

    To in both your PowerPoint presentation's slides and your notes page, do the following:
    On the File tab, click Info.
    At the bottom of the rightmost pane, click Show All Properties. The word property counts all text on slides and notes pages.
    Count indicates the words in the notes page
    You can also count words in a PowerPoint presentation's notes page, but it's best to do so in Word.
    On the File tab, click Export > Create Handout.
    In the Send to Microsoft Word dialog box, click the page layout that you want, and then do one of the…

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  3. Add Right-to-left language support

    To get wide usage of many languages where the writing direction is from right to left, it's crucial to add Right-to-left language support. All big platforms implement this (Example: Microsoft word).

    To be more precise, I'm not referring to text alignment but the text direction. I highly suggest you extend this also to the speaker notes section.

    At its current form, it would be impossible to use Slides to present in Middle Eastern languages.

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  4. An option to exclude vertical slides from preview in speaker view

    I use the vertical slides to host video versions of demos in case they fail. However they always show up in the "upcoming" of the speaker view. It would be great if I could disable vertical slides so they don't show up as "upcoming" but rather only the horizontal slides will

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  5. Direct paste from lucidchart

    Ability to directly paste diagrams from would be awesome

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  6. Perceiving and coordinating connections consequently while bringing a PDF into slides

    Current Status (I may be way off track): If you're bringing in a PDF it will be set as a foundation picture, which is cool, since you can add more satisfied on the off chance that you need ... in any case, all positioned joins will not be connected any longer. To fix this putting straightforward boxes on top and add the link is conceivable. Yet, assuming I need to reimport the PDF in light of certain progressions I need to rehash all of this.

    Include: It would be so cool to consequently add the connections while bringing in.

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  7. Include support for Lottie-files (json animation format)

    Lottie files can be an easy and size-friendly way to include small animations on slides. More information can be found on

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  8. Syntax highlighting for new Scala 3 syntax

    Scala 3 is now released officially for quite some time, but unfortunately the syntax highlighting does not support it. Union types like A | B break the highlighter.

    It would be nice to add Scala 3 on top of the existing Scala highlighter.

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  9. Remove byline from live presentation mode

    I see that byline can be removed in the embed environment, but I also wish it to be removed from the live presentation environment.

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. Font line height will scale with text going up but not down.

    I think this is actually a bug, but when you scale text in the eidtor down to 90 or 70 or a lower percentage, line height does not change in the way that it does when you scale up.

    Even if this isn't a bug, it doesn't make sense - line height should scale down if it already scales going up.

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  13. WordPress Development Services in USA

    WordPress is a content management system that is used by millions of websites and blogs.
    It has a lot of benefits for website owners, but it does have its drawbacks.
    The WordPress Development Services in USA helps to overcome the limitations of WordPress by customizing the CMS to suit your needs.
    This includes anything from designing custom themes, plugins, and layouts to adding new features or removing existing limitations.

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  14. How do you change the font of an entire Word document?

    To use your favorite font in Word all the time, set it as the default.
    Go to Format > Font > Font. You can also press and hold. + D to open the Font dialog box.
    Select the font and size you want to use.
    Select Default, and then select Yes.
    Select OK.

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  15. 1 vote

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  16. add a simple Wipe effect

    a simple Wipe effect (L, R, Up, Down) for elements would be great. Thanks!

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  17. Add option for animated increase of number

    If this is already possible, I wouldn’t know how. But I would be grateful if you implemented a feature that animates numbers, for instance starting at 0and once you trigger the next slide, the number counts until the desired output number for instance 30.

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  18. TMS Logistics

    Pando is the world's first open-market freight management platform which brings in an economic network of delivery stakeholders, potentially one of the largest such networks in the world.

    Fully integrated transportation management system to provide seamless user experience, optimal planning and execution and uniform datasets across the supply chain.

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  19. What are the fonts Webdings and Wingdings used for?

    They are used to insert useful symbols or graphic-like elements, without having to resort to finding and inserting specific graphics. They work in even in programs that do not support inserting graphics! The text is entered like other text.

    fonts bee

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  20. Presentation Annotation

    I'd love to be able to freehand annotate on my presentations

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