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  1. Visual navigator for long/complex decks

    Having some sort of visual navigator to jump between slides of long/complex presentations would help a lot I think!

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  2. Add the ability to upload audio files

    The media library only support images and videos, but I often want to put audio files in my slides as well. HTML5 easily supports audio, and I've used audio in reveal.js before.

    Currently, I could host my audio files elsewhere on the internet, then edit the slides html to add that audio, but this is quite inconvenient.

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  3. Space several elements evenly

    When selecting several elements, one has buttons to align them vertically (left/right) or horitontally (top/bottom).

    Another option I would love here is the ability to distribute the selected objects evenly (horizontally / vertically). This is implemented in e.g. Power Point and Lucidchart. The latter even has guides for centering.

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  4. Theme Editor for Pro membership

    Make the Theme editor available for Pro customers please.

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  5. Highlight secondary color from styles in font color selector.

    The styles in Slides often contain two color dots over a background color/gradient.

    It would be ideal to have the secondary color dot highlighted on the font color selector so you can easily emphasize areas of text in a way that propagates across styles/themes.

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  6. Add EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) support

    Many plots made with matlab, matplotlib, etc. are exported to .eps because it is vectorized and LaTex doesn't support SVG. It would be great if .eps files were supported.

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  7. Better remote controls

    I love the idea of the remote control - I always struggle to get the dual screen setup with laptop / projector so this seems ideal - but execution seems less than ideal.

    Swiping to go back a slide (e.g. perhaps you accidentally tapped twice) is clumsy. Especially if your speaker notes are long enough that they scroll - then you get a very small section of the screen where you can actually swipe to go back a slide. Given the lag on sending the change-slide message over the network, it's hard to have confidence that it correctly picked up…

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  8. Access to the reveal.js API with custom JS

    Adding more complex content and synchronization like sound and animation.

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  9. Print

    It would be great if I could print the slides in their whole structure in readable tumbnails.

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  10. 16 votes

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  11. Predefined presentation path

    Add a way for the viewer to have a pre-defined presentation path preset for them, maybe whichever arrow comes next glowing or pulsing, settable in the editor.

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  12. Automatic slide centering

    Please restore automatic slide centering. Or else make it easier to arrange slide contents to the center center. This is a really important feature and it's frustrating that it was removed. It's way harder than it should be to center a slide now without fiddling with manual positioning.

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  13. Spellcheck

    The editor needs spellchecking - that's what I'm hearing

    Most editors rely on adding spellcheck="true" attribute to their input or textarea so the browser takes care of it .
    However isn't implemented like that so it could be tricky

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  14. Responsive slide layout (sort of portrait mode)

    It would be nice to be able to create a « fullscreen portrait » presentation. I mean if you open a deck on smartphone, have a layout in portrait mode and arrange blocks to fit the page.

    I don’t think it’s possible automatically but you could add an option to edit a deck (for portrait mode) and change the position of blocks for a vertical layout (like a web inspector)

    I’d love it :)

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  15. LaTeX preamble/prelude

    Have a place in the deck's settings where one can enter a LaTeX preamble; that is, text that gets inserted automatically at the beginning of each LaTeX snippet prior to its compilation. This would be a useful place to put \newcommands so that they are available to all math snippets in the deck.

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  16. Support for mermaid diagrams

    Mermaid ( is a compact language for creating a variety of diagrams. There is a plugin for reveal.js ( and it would significantly simplify the workflow for editing the sort of diagrams that mermaid supports.

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  17. user click initiated object transition

    click initiated object transition

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  18. Turning off or personalizing keyboard shortcuts & touch gestures

    I'm sharing presentations with a bigger audience by embedding them on my site. I don't necessarily want to make it possible for the viewers to use the keyboard shortcuts and touch gestures. It doesn't make too much sense for example to give the viewers the option to black out the screen, they'll might accidentally do it without knowing what has happened.

    Turning shortcuts and gestures off completely would solve my problems but being able to personalize them would be even better. Looking forward to your answer.

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  19. Multiple Animation Triggers

    Allow multiple trigger-ids for a single animation of an object. For example, I want to hover over different "buttons" for something to disappear (while others appear).

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  20. ability to conduct live polls in presentations

    It will be good to add feature to conduct online polls like in or mentimeter

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