Github integration
It would be great to optionally publish to github and/or keep it in sync.
We haven’t decided if and in what form this should be added. However we did just release ZIP exports which makes it very easy to download all of the source files for a presentation (HTML/CSS/JS/images). Those files could then be added to an empty repository.
kate smith commented
in my opinion, slides is better than GitHub. GitHub is way too populated !!
Jan Høydahl commented
We maintain some Training material together with a partner and plan to move to revealjs, and use as editor. But we cannot present directly from your site and really need some workflow with 2-way sync between our own github repo and the site. Exporting as html is a 1-way operation and would be very cumbersome to re-import into at a later time for editing.
Anonymous commented
Thanks for the great information. Click on the link for more information. -
Coda commented
Hi there, everything is going well here and ofcourse every one is sharing information, that's truly fine, keep up writing.
Grant Wilson commented
Zapier suggested a couple of tools to make this project possible. At Roberts Wesleyan College, the programing class teacher allowed us to use the export files to work with the Slides in the local network and protected software for college usage only. -
nin commented
my website:
dovanhau commented
if you want to see live football
ddsialaris commented
newer user to GitHub and Slides, what is the difference in the coding?
Thomas Burleson commented
Hi Owen,
We want to continue to use the SAAS to edit and present the slides. With Github integration, we can connect specific versions of a presentation with specific versions of code and other assets.What can I do to help with Github integration for presentations? Please let me know. I volunteer to help with that effort.
Soumendra P commented
Yes, GitHub integration would be very very useful. Would be the most useful thing for me right now.
nabilla rumy commented
greetings successful boss. visit my profile
Govinda commented
I would love to have support for Git repos, too. This would make it possible to work on a common revealjs based presentation with and without at the same time.
I really find very promising, but I do want to version control my presentation with standard version control tools like git - which is the basic promise of revealjs - and work with other collaboratively. Without support for git repos I do not know if I will stick with in the long term - I mean it has a nice UI - but Powerpoint has that, too.
And I do not want to force every collaborator to use A simple PR against a git repo should be sufficient to change something...
Best, Govinda
Heather Carr commented
Yeah? that seems to be great)))
Lorenzo Cruz commented
Emmanuel Smith (mraxilus) commented
How is this coming along, the only feature I'm missing really...
Hakim Weis commented
Regarding the Styles that jens noted, I wonder if you can import css into That would more or less address the problem (Don't make your original css changes in, make them elsewhere and import).
sorav kant commented
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Abrahem Alsady commented
•تشجيع التواصل الإيجابي وتعزيز التفاعل عبر الدوافع الذهبية الفنية للتفاعل، .مسترشدا بشخص المبدع ابراهيم السعدي..: ....... ..... ... عن فن تطبيقات منهجه الفلسفي : ....... ......... ... .. للإبداع.. و للخلاصات الفلسفية و المنطقية سعي متواصل لبلوغ أقصى درجات الوضوح و التميز. . والإبداع.و. اعمال يدوية فنية و أعمال متنوعة للفنون المصرية القديمة، والفن الإسلامي
Tony Su commented
Although I just started looking at today, from what I've seen I'm guessing that all the building blocks exist already, Either very little or no code is required to export/import manually, maybe only desirable code could be written to automate or guide some steps.
1. Start with a reveal.js (even default) as a template
2. Git push your template site to your Github repo's gh-pages branch.
3. Modify all local URI from local references to remote references.
4. Load all desired assets, eg images into the proper folders.
5. Import the revised template into
6. Modify however you wish. Note that references to any resources should reference the URI at Github, not the identical file at Example: Embedding a picture should not use the file upload, you need to instead upload the file to your Github repo, then reference that URI in your "Add Picture"
7. When complete, export
8. Copy the exported code into the repo on your local machine
9. Git push your changes to Github.So, here'a suggestion if someone decides to run with this...
It might be useful to support a Profile configuration to switch easily from native (existing) functionality using local or remote URI.Regarding the Styles that jens noted, I wonder if you can import css into That would more or less address the problem (Don't make your original css changes in, make them elsewhere and import).
Jens Claes commented
Or if we could download a full version of the slideshow. Now we can only have the slides but styles aren't copied.
And images still refer to the online webpage. It would be nice if there was a possibility to download the whole slideshow and just be able to run it offline. (so you have all files you need)