Ability to rotate elements
It'd be great if there was an option to not only resize, but also rotate elements (eg images, text boxes etc.)

This has been added! Now you can grab any corner of a selected element to rotate it. The angle is displayed in the toolbar so that you can apply the same rotation to multiple elements or set a specific number.
Here’s a quick screen recording showing how it works: http://static.slid.es.s3.amazonaws.com/support/rotation.gif
Yassin commented
Rodrigo Ramalho commented
Anonymous commented
Even worse when the upload rotates the wrong way!
Anonymous commented
This has been a concern, a problem, and a promise since 2013. It is very hard to get behind a tool doesn't deliver. I was hoping yours would be the one for me to share with educators and students.
Opal Polynice commented
add this feature please
Gui Bueno commented
Anonymous commented
M Moser commented
Visual handles for rotation would be a nice feature, but if you have a Pro account you can do this in a couple of steps. (1) Create your image or text; click on it and fill in "Class Name" at the bottom of the left panel, say with "rotate45" (no quotes). (2) Go to the Style menu and choose Custom CSS at the bottom. Paste in the following:
.rotate45 {
transform: rotateZ(45deg);
Explanation: .rotate45 means "select all elements that have the class name rotate45". The transform line says to rotate the element around the z axis (the one going forward into your screen) by 45 degrees. You can create more classes, such as .rotate30 or .rotate92 or whatever, and just change the number in the CSS to 30deg, 92deg, etc. Just be careful not to add/remove spaces.
Josh commented
Greg commented
Agreed that this is essential. The lack of this option is extremely limiting.
Halvor Gregusson commented
A deal breaker not being able to rotate images
Daniel Himmelstein commented
+1, vertical text boxes are of personal interest
Kelli Corkins commented
Would LUV the option to rotate an image!
Anna Dubovik commented
Totally support this idea!
Anonymous commented
Matt Montag commented
I think the overwhelming use case for this is adding directed lines and arrows.
Upvoting this suggestion anyway. :)