Drag and drop to rearrange slides
The arrange mode gives an overview of the slides but the system for moving them was non-obvious to me and very cumbersome: moving a slide across the deck is requires as many clicks as there are slides!
I would rather drag-and-drop the slides, perhaps you could have a drag icon/handle.

We just rolled out the new arrange mode! The new version is entirely drag-and-drop based. Plus, we’ve made it possible to select and drag or delete multiple slides at once so that you can work faster.
Please let us know if you run into any issues and we’ll address them as soon as possible. Thanks!
AdminHakim (Co-founder, Slides) commented
Vertical slides are created by dragging one slide on top of another, near the bottom of it. Here's a screen recording showing it in action: https://static.slid.es/support/arrange-vertical-2.gif
Anonymous commented
How do you arrange slides vertically now?
Nicholas Flees commented
Any progress on this? I'm a newer premium user and I like the product, but this is basically a deal-breaker for me. I probably won't be a user for long without some kind of relief in this regard. Thanks.
Dhrumil Mehta commented
Toni commented
Current slide sorter is not good when you have more than couple of slides.
Would be great to have a sorter/overview view, similar you can find from office suites.
Robert Martin commented
I have a horizontal slide deck where I accidentally dropped one of the slides below another one. Now I can't figure out get it back into the main horizontal flow. Dragging and dropping would be much more intuitive - glad to see it's planned.
PaulAustin commented
+1, Great to see work is planned. Thank you.
For larger decks I have found that zooming out the browser view does let me see the whole deck. (e.g. zoom chrome out ctrl- to 25%) -
Aurelien commented
Omri Ron commented
Please :) !
Vector Media commented
+1 this!!!
Guido Jansen commented
+1 on this.
Kevin Gary commented
Please get to this, this is a frustrating experience
Gustavo commented
Moving slides accross the entire deck to rearrange them is so cumbersom. Please provide some way to make this a more efficient process.
AdminOwen (Owner, Slides) commented
Completely agree with this. We aren't satisfied with the current implementation of the arrange mode due to its cumbersome interaction and visuals.
We've had plans for changing to a drag-and-drop interface for a long time but haven't had time to get started on it just yet.