My feedback
3 results found
112 votesAnonymous supported this idea ·
11 votesAnonymous supported this idea ·
239 votes
We will be adding discounts for education, although we haven’t worked out the specifics yet.
An error occurred while saving the comment Anonymous supported this idea ·
I just discovered I've been using slides for 6 years, brought here by the intensive use of reveal.js.
For three of those, I've been using it for scientific presentations at conferences, in different labs and universities. Many people saw it and tried slides out, and many of them decided to adopt it instead of other presentation softwares!
I prefer slides over traditional methods due to the fact that it's based on reveal (and I can switch back and forth almost easily), and the two scroll directiosn, that are great to adapt talks to the time and audience!
The downside is that in some presentations there are ideas I'd like to keep not-so-public - so for the moment I just take down decks (bummer). However, I'm still a student (albeit graduate) and unluckily I can't justify 60$ of expenses per year. I don't want to stop using it and as long as I'm in academia I want to use it, hoping to inspire other people to do so. Please add a discount for education!