Discounts for Education
Introduce for Education so that Students can use their edu account to gain access to the full version. By allowing this, many many students will be able to use this and as a company will grow exponentially. Many great companies simillar to have this feature, so why shouldn't this. Its a great Win-Win situation!
We will be adding discounts for education, although we haven’t worked out the specifics yet.
Anthony Mark commented
This post is instrumental in helping me establish my new concept. It is filled with valuable information. Thank you for sharing this helpful resource with everyone. you can easily watch pushpa 2 movie on pikashow -
Kamran Hakiman commented
I love this idea.
Edwin Herrera commented
Any new in this regard?
Thanks! -
Beatrice Holt commented
This post will help me set up my fresh concept. It has a wealth of knowledge.
Thank you for providing this useful information to everyone. Also visit my website for more details: -
Sean Frazier commented
Thanks for sharing with us its really very helpful.
Thanks and regards
Sean Frazier -
Suleman Malik commented
thankyou for sharing this, I really find it helpful -
Ronai Lisboa commented
A slightly higher limit for the Lite plan because that's what teachers and professors could afford. See that it is the essential minimum. The superior plan has unlimited quota, but it costs double the cost of the Lite plan.
kaludon209 commented
I've never been questioned when using my teacher card at B&N. I recently even bought 50 Shades of Grey with it, which I will most definitely not be putting in my classroom library. -
Raul Perez commented
Great work! Keep on!!
bekzclz11 commented
Teacher & Education staff discounts you deserve. Hundreds of discounts, codes & deals for education staff on fashion, travel, essentials, motoring & more.
adamjones commented
Oh, thank you for sharing this :)
Dayo Thomas commented
Totally agree, as a university student I love your service very much, but we often need to present our slides on classes thus bring our own laptops is not convenient, and we can't afford the price now. Thanks a lot if you can just give free slides download to us!
Ramiz commented
I really wish they implement it soon. Has been 9 months since the last announcement about adding discount for students!
Sören Helms commented
Hi there, any updates yet?
It would be really cool to have the download slides function for free for educational at least.
Anonymous commented
Is it posible to use an Api for multiple users. Let's say like students could create their own presentation and then upload to the main account?
Anonymous commented
I just discovered I've been using slides for 6 years, brought here by the intensive use of reveal.js.
For three of those, I've been using it for scientific presentations at conferences, in different labs and universities. Many people saw it and tried slides out, and many of them decided to adopt it instead of other presentation softwares!
I prefer slides over traditional methods due to the fact that it's based on reveal (and I can switch back and forth almost easily), and the two scroll directiosn, that are great to adapt talks to the time and audience!
The downside is that in some presentations there are ideas I'd like to keep not-so-public - so for the moment I just take down decks (bummer). However, I'm still a student (albeit graduate) and unluckily I can't justify 60$ of expenses per year. I don't want to stop using it and as long as I'm in academia I want to use it, hoping to inspire other people to do so. Please add a discount for education! -
Luke G. commented
Just a note that not all education domains are .edu domains. I know some use a human (maybe mechanical turk) method of approving educational accounts.
Yichuan Gao commented
Totally agree, as a university student I love your service very much, but we often need to present our slides on classes thus bring our own laptops is not convenient, and we can't afford the price now. Thanks a lot if you can just give free slides download to us!
raulf2012 commented
I completely agree, I am a university student and while I love the product and would prefer the full paid version I simply cannot financially justify paying even 50 dollars for the extra features.
Amya commented
Why is not let me go on google sides