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  1. Slide analytics

    Compete with, get ANALYTICS!!

    I'm very torn between you and ! Forget the imported PDFs for the free version, you really should be taking over the ugly and non-dynamic Unfortunately, right now they're beating you, analytics and tracking trumphs aesthetics when it comes down to it. I've been frustrated because I'd love to just combine all of with the analytics and tracking metrics of and I'd be in love.

    GET ON IT!!

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  2. Print

    It would be great if I could print the slides in their whole structure in readable tumbnails.

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  3. Enhance searching - sorting, paging

    Although we can search for slides, it's hard to look through several pages of them.

    A few suggestions:
    - Increase the number of slides shown per page, or allow you to click page numbers instead of scrolling through the pages (since better navigation is the advantage over scrolling)
    - Allow different ways to sort the search
    -- Number of page views
    -- By favorites or shares on social media

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  4. Sync with Google Drive


    I created an account here because I've read this article

    I've only created only one side on

    But I already know that I will love it...
    That I will love it as much as I hated it Microsoft Power Point and its clone in the past

    Because I think that well-thought, well-built, useful apps deserve my money, I immediately looked if you have premium features.

    And yes you have

    And here, I saw that one of the premium feature is to Sync With Dropbox

    Well, I have really nothing against Dropbox. It's a great service that…

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  5. Apply same background image to all slides

    It would be great if the same background image could be applied to all slides at once. Currently, I have to upload the image multiple times.

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  6. Smart-art functionality

    I would greatly appreciate a feature similar to the smart-art functionality in MS Office. It makes it easy to visualize processes, lists, concepts etc.

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  7. offer a moodle plugin

    offer a moodle-plugin
    moodle is a VLE and used by millions of students and 10000 universities.
    All of them need to be an activity.
    It takes not so much to write a plugin - but imagine: all teachers need an account at if they want ot use it. Yes, they can embed it already, but if it is integrated as a moodle plugin - they learn about it.

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  8. Other plan options

    On-demand plan. Pay for storing a particular private slide or pay for a sharing that I want to be able to present off-line...

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  9. Highlight secondary color from styles in font color selector.

    The styles in Slides often contain two color dots over a background color/gradient.

    It would be ideal to have the secondary color dot highlighted on the font color selector so you can easily emphasize areas of text in a way that propagates across styles/themes.

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  10. Github integration

    It would be great to optionally publish to github and/or keep it in sync.

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  11. Offline Editing Support

    Service should still work if I lost connection. Would also be great to have it as a Chrome App so I can start new presentations even while offline, like on a plane.

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  12. Add markdown option to WYSIWYG

    reveal already supports markdown. It would be great to easily add a tag.

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  13. Predefined presentation path

    Add a way for the viewer to have a pre-defined presentation path preset for them, maybe whichever arrow comes next glowing or pulsing, settable in the editor.

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  14. Mouse Scroll & Slide Navigation

    1) Below is the link to my presentation

    Below are the two problems:
    Problem 1 )
    I would like to add the support for mouse scroll to navigate through slides.

    Problem 2 )
    Below is the existing layout of slides:
    1 4 5 6 7 8 9
    2 4 5 6 7 8 9
    3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    10 4 5 6 7 8 9
    11 4 5 6 7 8 9

    But I want the layout of slides to be like below:
    3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    (Where numbers…

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  15. 112 votes

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  16. Visual navigator for long/complex decks

    Having some sort of visual navigator to jump between slides of long/complex presentations would help a lot I think!

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  17. Integration with

    It would be great to embed highlighted code from

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  18. Utilize onended functionality in source code

    Add an onended function to advance autoplayed videos within auto advanced slide presentations.

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  19. Equate the live URL "page" number and the actual page number

    Currently, the live URL numbers and the page numbers are off by one. It seems that live URL starts at 0 whereas the page number starts at 1. This has caused confusion because the viewers think that they are the same thing. Could these be the same?

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  20. Scale background images similar to the content

    I want to use a background image that fills exactly the available background on my slides, no matter what screen size it is presented on (so the background image should scale as the content does).

    For example I use 960x720 presentation size and I have a 960x720 pixel image. The options "cover" and "contain" don't provide the desired result since they will draw the image over the whole screen (rather than the slide). So when I select the only remaining option "original" it fits perfectly on a 960x720 screen, however when I move to a larger screen then the content…

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