234 results found
Implement magic move
The ability to seamlessly animate objects from one slide to the next is one of the greatest features in Keynote.
I haven’t had a chance to look into reveal.js yet but I assume the data structure contains slide objects that contain the various elements on a slide. This could be implemented by giving ids to elements and, if the transition type is set to, for example “auto animate”, key properties of elements with the same id can be tweened (e.g., x position, y position, width, height, opacity, rotation).
51 votesWe’re very excited to announce that Auto-Animate is available in public beta! Turn it on for two adjacent slides and we’ll automatically find and animate matching elements between them. More info and examples here:
Please let us know if you have any feedback, thanks!
Zoom on workspace
Sometimes when working on small details it would be nice to be able to zoom on the workspace. Of course I can zoom with the browser, but this also increase the size of the sidebar, which can be quite annoying depending on the zoom level.
44 votesYou can now zoom into the Slides editor! Available via keyboard shortcuts (+/-/0), trackpad pinch gestures and mouse wheel (hold shift).
Insert Video
Include movies in a presentation
41 votesWe’ve added support for video! You can either upload a video from your file system or point to an external video URL.
Let us know if you have any feedback.
Video Background
Full screen scaled video embed with Javascript API keyboard controls to play/pause the video.
41 votesWe’ve added support for video! Videos can be added in the background or as part of the slide content.
You can insert a video either by uploading it to our servers (100 MB max) or specifying an external URL.
More info about how to add a background video can be found here:
Let us know if you have any feedback.
Add Drop Shadow as an option for Text
It's widely supported in CSS so can be done as a custom CSS trick but it's really useful when working with text over a background image and would be nice to have in the visual editor?
40 votesWe’ve now added support for drop-shadow and blur effects. These work for all types of content blocks, including text.
Let us know if you have any feedback!
Hide some slides in presentation mode
As a speaker I want to be able to hide some slides from being shown in live mode (during presentation).
38 votesHey! We have added support for hiding individual slides now. The quickest way to hide the current slide is to press CMD+H (CTRL+H on Windows). Alternatively, you can open the arrange mode (ESC) and click the eye symbol the slides you want to hide.
Deactivated slides are only visible inside of the editor. They are removed from all other presentation views, including live present page.
Please let us know if you notice any errors!
More info:
Randomize slide order
Random slides, for creative and interactive presentations.
38 votesWe’ve added an option for randomizing the slide order each time a deck is loaded. More info here:
Disable Google Analytics
Paid accounts should be able to disable all Google Analytics (including’s) on publicly-shared presentations.
Personally, I do not want to expose the people who view my presentations to surveillance by Google/Alphabet, etc. and help them build their World Wide Web-wide panopticon (based on my own crawls, Google Analytics alone gives Google eyes on 64.1% of the web).
As I now use for my keynotes, I would like to promote your service. Not least because you have a lovely independent business that isn’t a surveillance capitalist. If you could add the feature to disable Google Analytics, I can do…
35 votesWe have added a new “Do Not Track” setting which makes this possible. If you turn on the DNT setting, we stop tracking your activity AND the activity of people viewing your content to Google Analytics.
To enable it, visit the account settings page.
Allow addition of a Stylesheet + Submit as Theme
I would like to be able to include a stylesheet of a custom theme I make for the slideshow. A simple "Custom Stylesheet" box would suffice for this.
Also, I think it would be nice if I can submit that stylesheet as a theme to help expand the themes for all users. This can be categorized as "User Themes" so they know there is a risk of cross-browser support, etc.
33 votesCustom CSS is now available as an option in editor’s Style panel for Pro users. There’s a bit more info in this blog post
As to the second point, a user-submitted theme gallery isn’t in our plans at the moment.
Ability to set line-height
Provide an interface option for configuring the line-height of text.
31 votesThis has been added! The option is available right next to the letter spacing option, in the left sidebar.
Hide sidebar in editor view
On laptops with small screens the black sidebar takes up too much space. When editing large slides, the editable space is clipped and you can't access the entire slide because there is no way to scroll the editor or hide the sidebar. Please add a toggle to the top level and contextual options in the sidebar to hide them when editing slides.
30 votesThanks for the suggestion! We decided to address the clipped workspace when editing large slides in a different way instead.
As of today, the editor will automatically scale slide content down to fit any display size. That means no more clipping or unreachable content on small screens.
We don’t have any plans for adding an option to hide the sidebar at this time but hopefully the above change solves the layout issue for you.
Allow using images as slide backgrounds
First, just wanna say thanks for creating the service! This is a slide authoring framework full of potentials. Just check out what I was able to do with some additional CSS knowledge:
But that's also the issue - you need some CSS knowledge and a lot of works to get some really rich effect. It would be great if the service can one day provide built-in support for all the advanced techniques used in the example slide, though I'd like to highlight one feature, which is "using images as slide backgrounds", 'cause it's really a great addition to have…
29 votesWe have added the ability to set background images. It’s an icon right underneath the icon for setting a background color. You can also change the transition between backgrounds in the Style panel.
select highlight.js theme for code highlighting
It would be nice to support changing higlight.js theme.
The default (zenburn?) code highlight theme is unreadable when presenting on projector.
At least some black on white would be very useful.27 votesWe’ve added 11 different highlight themes that you can choose from!
This is available through next to where you select language, see:
Add categories to slides or a way to tag them
This will make searching much more versatile.
Example categories can be taken from Haiku Deck's pinterest board:
If you decide to implement this, you should extend it so that slides can be in multiple categories/have multiple tags.
A good search/filter makes slides easier to access, especially through Google. I find myself searching for information and I see different slide presentation sites pop up in the results. Not only does it help me understand the topic, it adds hits to your sites and encourages sign-ups (if they see a sweet presentation and want to create something like that)
27 votesWe’ve made it possible to tag decks! Learn all about it in the docs:
Share deck with speaker notes visible
share slideshow with speaker notes visible
25 votesWe’ve added an option for sharing your notes! Turn it on and anyone who views the deck is able to see your notes.
Add the rest of the awesomeness to editor (too many to list)
I'm not going to great issues for each, but it would be great should add support for:
- themes
- global state
- custom events/JS files
- quotes
- syntax highlighting
- linking
- fragmented views
- export to pdf
25 votesThe following items have been added:
- Themes
- Global states (i.e. changing bg color per slide)
- Fragments
- Quotes
- Syntax highlightingWe’ve got PDF export on the to-do list as well.
Add smartphone control via websockets
This way someone can swipe or click to move through the presentation that is showing on another computer. I actually did this a while back using a python web-sockets demo, it only took a couple of hours to hack up.
Notes and a zoomed out overview of the presentation would be helpful.
24 votesHappy to let you know that smartphone remote controlling is now available to all of our users. More info here:
Include fragments in pdf export
Right now when you create a presentation with fragments, the exported PDF only shows the last version of any given slide. That is, the version with the "last" fragment in place. This means that the exported PDF is useless as a presentation medium if you include any fragments in your talk.
This poses a major problem because many conferences that I go to (and perhaps this is common for others too) require all presentations to be uploaded to a common computer ahead of time, and limit to PDF or MS PPT format (to avoid compatibility issues, etc). So it leaves…
23 votesThis has been added! Fragments are now included as separate pages when exporting to PDF.
We made this the default behavior, but there’s an option available in case you want to disable it and export all fragments in their final state.
Import slides from PDF
Ability to upload a presentation from PDF format. May just generate an image per slide, since converting the content to the Slides format would result in the loss of styles.
23 votesYou can now import from PDF and PowerPoint. More info and instructions available here:
Private Sharing Link for Unpublished Slides
The current "export" feature is not a real "export" apparently since rvl-specific settings/styles aren't included, making it impossible to share the slides to a handful few before publishing - which should be pretty common in the tech circle when your administrator requires reviewing it before allowing it to be publicly shared in a conference, etc.
22 votesWe have added the ability to share private links, though with the new product structure that’s one of the things that requires a Pro account.
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